Monday, March 26, 2012

Giving Baby A Green Start

green babyHaving a baby the most monumental experience of my life. The birth of my daughter has challenged me to dig deep into myself on all levels. It has been a big year of change, possibility and accountability.
Looking back on the first year, we have been very blessed to have generous friends and family. Although it has taken some pressure off of us, it has also made raising a green baby a little more challenging. I’m sure parents everywhere can feel the headache arising as baby is presented with another plastic battery toy!
That being said, babies really do have minimal needs. There are many options available today that are not only baby friendly, they are green as well. In my continuous effort to keep a check on having too much “stuff” and reducing the toxic load in our lives, I think there are three key areas that provide excellent options for raising a greener baby.

Green Diapering Options

Since caring for a baby can be so time consuming, it is easy to see why parents choose the perceived convenience of disposable diapers. They just toss them in the garbage bin and forget them right? Well, green parents cannot forget that diapers account for an enormous amount of landfill waste that does not biodegrade. I read recently that one disposable diaper takes 500 years to decompose. Ouch!
Luckily cloth diapers have become just as easy and convenient as disposable diapers. Forget the flat diapers you need to fold and pin together (although those are still around if you are so inclined). Cloth diapers today are fitted with elastic, closed with pins or Velcro, and are easy to clean. For those that do not have the time or the desire to do diaper laundry, there are diaper services widely available. Cloth diapers can last for years and be used by more than one child.
Despite having the best of intentions about cloth diapering, including spending more than I care to remember on a complete non bleached cloth diaper system, I did not expect that Postpartum Depression would get in the way of my intentions to raise a green baby. I had to let some of my best intentions slide for the short term.
We did find another great option in flushable diapers is from Diapers. They are somewhat of a hybrid between cloth and disposable. The exterior is totally washable and velcro tabs fit at the back away from hands. The inner liner is filled with fluff wood pulp and gel crystals that can be flushed, thrown away or composted. I love that I can flush the poop where the poops supposed to go!
They are less bulky than cloth and only slightly larger than disposables. The inner liner does get dirty with big messy poops, but it is easily rinsed and then I just throw it in the laundry with the clothes. If you just can’t see yourself using cloth for whatever reason, you cannot stomach the environmental cost of using disposables, I highly recommend the Diapers’s as an excellent green option for your baby and toddler!
Another healthy & green diapering option is to consider using reusable wipesfor diaper changes. We purchased a couple packs of unbleached cloth wipes that we use at home and for travel close to home. I take the moist cloths in a bag or in a pinch, I also have a supply of non toxic baby wipes handy for longer travel. I recommend having a look at the analysis done at the cosmetics database on yourbest & worst options for baby wipes. Very little is needed to clean a baby’s bottom effectively and warm cloths are very gentle on our baby’s bottom. The excessive chemicals used in conventional disposable wipes are unnecessary and unhealthy for baby. I used these cloths for for both kids and can’t imagine how many wipes stayed out of the landfill. (of coarse I bought new ones for each baby! lol)

Green Feeding For Your Baby

Not only is breastfeeding usually the perfect food for baby it is also the most planet friendly way to feed your green baby. Breastfeeding your baby eliminates the need for formula cans and baby bottles. Breastfeeding is waste free!
If breastfeeding is not an option for you, consider contacting your local lactation branch to inquire about a local milk bank. This is where mothers with excess milk supply donate it to be distributed to mothers who still want their baby to receive the benefits of breast milk in the early months.
Alternately, if you choose to use formula, consider using an organic formula brand free of sugars and genetically modified ingredients grown with synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
There are green options for pumping and feeding a well. Glass baby bottles are reusable and able to be recycled or donated unlike their plastic counterparts which are prone to breakage and do not bio-degrade. We love our glass baby bottles simply for the fact that they do not smell. Plastic will always get a small odor over time if anything besides water is used in them. They are also resistant to the inner scratches that occur in plastic from cleaning and increase the risk for BPA exposure.
Helpful products for mom such as wool or cloth breast pads and this  organic nipple butter was an excellent non-lanolin option. A tiny bit goes a very long way and it was a life saver in the early days!
When your baby moves to solid foods you can continue to feed “green” by making your own baby food from organic fruits and vegetable that you are already eating. There is no need to buy boxes of baby cereal or tiny jars of baby food when you can mash or puree family foods. The Baby’s Table offers up some really great recipes for baby to enjoy through each of the phases. Freeze the puree into my favorite storing product, the Baby Cubes for later use and convenience. The baby cubes are free of Phthalates, protect food from freezer burn and bacteria  and pop out for easy use and single serving sizes.

Green Clothing Options For Your Green Baby

Farming with chemicals is hazardous for our planet and very unsustainable so when you buy clothing for your baby try to buy clothing made with sustainable fibers. Organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, and wool in natural colors or dyed with low impact dyes are all good choices.
The absence of chemicals is also better for your baby’s tender skin. Clothing made from organic fibers has a soft thickness that I absolutely love. I have found that my daughters super sensitive skin appreciated these fibers over others. There are so many adorable organic baby clothes available now!
Consider buying used clothes instead of new. Buying second hand clothing that someone has recycled is much more sustainable an option than buying brand new. Look for used clothing at thrift stores, on local lists such as Craiglist, or through family and friends. We were so fortunate to have at least 75% of my daughters clothes given to us second hand. They were in perfect condition and we really appreciated lighter load on our wallets too!
In addition to these ideas, consider limiting exposure to toxic substances found in conventional and even some “natural” baby skincare products. After both my children experienced baby eczema in their first 1-3 years – I am very leery about using most skin care products on the market. Since the skin is another organ, I feel not matter if the product is “organic, green, or natural” it is wise to use all products with careful consideration.
With a little attention, you can easily create a safer and eco-friendly environment for your baby to grow up Green.

The Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll

Liquid chlorophyll is one of the most underrated, yet most beneficial natural products available and might be the answer to helping you take one more great green step towards total health.
So what is chlorophyll?
In basic terms, chlorophyll is what makes plants green. Through photosynthesis, plants convert the sun’s energy into chlorophyll and then release oxygen into the atmosphere. (Flashback to high school biology anyone?) Just as blood is important for human life, chlorophyll is important for plant life. If the chlorophyll is drained from a plant, it will die.
The benefits of chlorophyll, found in both foods and liquid chlorophyll supplements are numerous. Chlorophyll is best known as a powerful anti-oxidant, cleanser, and detox with anti-inflammatory properties. It stimulates and assists in the repair and healing of damaged tissues. Chlorophyll is also a wonderful filter for pollutants; in fact, regular ingestion of chlorophyll has proven to be a great neutralizer of environmental pollution and would be beneficial for smokers.
Chlorophyll is probably best known for its deodorizing benefits, reducing body odor and bad breath. Chlorophyll has also been known to fight the deposit of carcinogens in the body and is known to help in dealing with the side-effects of drugs and other toxins.
Personally, when I take liquid chlorophyll, I feel more energetic and fresh in the morning and it really does neutralize odor, I have not a chemically based deodorant in years! It really does feel cleansing from the inside out.
I know people who also feed it to their pets to help with doggy bad breath!
I love to receive the benefits of chlorophyll by following three easy guidelines.
1.  I make sure I eat plenty of foods high in chlorophyll.
The best sources of chlorophyll are raw, leafy green vegetables like chard, kale, wheatgrass, barley, alfalfa, and Spirulina (blue green algae). Keep in mind that cooking vegetables kills the chlorophyll content in the plant.
2.  I cleanse 2-4 times each year.
One of the ways I cleanse, is by eating a raw food diet several times each year. I am not a vegan right now, however the benefits of cleansing with a vegan raw food diet for specified amount of time (2 weeks to 4 months) is incredible! When I “go raw” I eat plenty of foods high in chlorophyll and take a liquid chlorophyll supplement.
3.  I take small amount (1Tbsp in water) of liquid chlorophyll each day.
I began to notice results within a week. I’ve tried quite a few brands and feel the Nature Sunshine is the best tasting. It’s actually good – especially when you buy the spearmint flavor! I’m not affiliated with the company (other than the aff link provided) but they seem to have a similar health philosophy as mine and host a wide variety of excellent herbal products. Thankfully, it’s available through Amazon, because finding a rep in a pinch can be challenging.
The product claims that taking a liquid chlorophyll supplement:
  • Helps promote the natural blood-cleansing functions of the body
  • Promotes strong immune response
  • Strengthens cells
  • Deodorizes the body, including the bowel
  • May help improve immune response and deodorize the body
Chlorophyll performs metabolic functions in plants such as respiration and growth. Interestingly, the chlorophyll molecule is chemically similar to human blood, except that its central atom is magnesium, whereas that of human blood is iron.