Friday, February 5, 2010

Insects migrate in wind highways

Migrating insects use highways in the sky to speed their journey.
Researchers say moths and butterflies use sophisticated methods to find winds that will take them in certain directions for thousands of kilometres.
The little creatures travel on winds of up to 100km (60 miles) per hour.
They use internal compasses to find these fast moving winds to carry them to their journey's end.
Sky highway
It may seem a little difficult, in the depths of winter, to imagine sitting outside on a balmy summer's evening gazing up at the velvety night.
But, if you can, cast your mind's eye back because above you was a windy highway used by thousands of these delicate migrating creatures.
And the same journeys are sometimes carried on over several generations of insect.
The scientists say that each insect uses the same complex methods to whisk them to their wintering water-holes in the Mediterranean and back to more northerly climes in the summer.
"We were surprised by the scale of the movements, although we wouldn't have started the research without some idea of what was happening," says Dr Jason Chapman of the Rothamsted Research Institute in Hertfordshire, UK, who is the lead author of the report.
"What is also surprising is that very few of the insects end up going the wrong way".
But most moths and butterflies look like they can hardly make it across the garden. So how to they avoid getting ripped to shreds in these fast moving winds?
"When you are flying within the windstream you don't feel it" says Dr Chapman. "Having said that, we think the way they choose the winds that are fastest is through some sort of turbulence mechanism.
"As the data has built up over the years we have been amazed by the subtlety and sophistication of the system."
It is still not known exactly how this mechanism works - that will be for further study.
The group that published the research is one of only three is the world using special radar that can detect insect movement up to a kilometre in the air.
And, while the research is fascinating in itself, it has useful applications. "One of the people working on this research has also been working on data about the midges that carry bluetongue", says Dr Chapman.
"Hopefully other scientists' prediction models of the future, for some of the moths that could become invasive pests in this country, will incorporate our research".

Pluto's dynamic surface revealed by Hubble images

The icy dwarf planet Pluto undergoes dramatic seasonal changes, according to images from the Hubble Space Telescope.
The pictures from Hubble revealed changes in the brightness and the colour of Pluto's surface.
Mike Brown, from the California Institute of Technology, suggested Pluto had the most dynamic surface of any object in the Solar System.
Hubble will provide our sharpest views of Pluto until the New Horizons probe approaches in 2015.
The researchers note that Pluto became significantly redder in a two-year period, from 2000 to 2002.
When Hubble pictures taken in 1994 are compared with a new set of images taken in 2002 to 2003, astronomers see evidence that Pluto's northern polar region has become brighter.
Referring to the striking changes on Pluto, Professor Brown commented: "Imagine the Moon changing by that much. We're used to looking at the Moon and it being the same night after night. This thing has changed dramatically in that time.
"If you look around the entire Solar System, the only things that change their surfaces by any noticeable amount are the Earth, where ice caps come and go. There is Mars, where ice caps come and go. That's it.
Dramatic changes on Pluto

"[With Pluto] you are looking at the surface in the Solar System that has the biggest changes of anything we've ever seen."
Pluto is one of a population of icy objects which inhabit an outer region of the Solar System called the Kuiper Belt.
At some 2,360km (1,467 miles) across, Pluto is smaller than several moons in the Solar System. Its eccentric orbit carries it around the Sun every 248 years.
Marc Buie, co-author of the research from the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, US, said the redness seen on Pluto could be related to carbon. He added that methane (CH4) had been detected on the surface using spectroscopic measurements.
New Horizons probe

"If you put methane in an environment like that, it's not stable... because you have this dynamic, young surface, you could stir things up and release more methane all the time."
But researchers said it was not possible to relate different colours on Pluto to differences in the surface composition.
The brightening in the northern hemisphere could be the result of nitrogen ice vaporising at the sunlit pole and then refreezing at the opposite pole which is not illuminated.
But Marc Buie said the exact mechanism was a mystery: "What we think is maybe happening, is that as you are vigorously sublimating nitrogen off the lit pole, it has to be changing the texture of the ice and frost on the surface."
He added: "This could be gardening the surface and turning it into a 'fairy castle' structure that is more effective at scattering light back," he said.
Pluto's extreme orbit is one of the reasons behind the dramatic changes observed on its surface.
"Right now, Pluto is nearly in its closest position to the Sun. If you go to the year 2108, it's in its furthest position from the Sun. In that time period temperatures on Pluto will change dramatically," said Professor Brown.
Named after underworld god
Lost status as planet in 2006
Average of 5.9bn km to Sun
Orbits Sun every 248 years
Diameter of 2,360km
Has at least three moons
Rotates every 6.8 days
Gravity about 6% of Earth's
Surface temperature -233C
Nasa probe visits in 2015
"It's close to springtime on Pluto. In the fall, it will be so much further away from the Sun, and so much colder. Things that boiled up in the spring will condense."
"We think that these things are driven by seasonal processes on Pluto," said Dr Buie, "But it's a little bit of a surprise that you would see this big of a change this fast because the seasons take 248 of our years to progress."
Co-author Dr Alan Stern, also from the Southwest Research Institute, offered one example of how these changes could be speeded up.
He said computer models had shown "there are a series of closed-loop feedbacks that can force the process to change quickly".
For example, he told BBC News, "as Pluto draws away from the Sun, the sunlight is weaker and the planet wants to cool off. As it cools, the atmosphere must snow to the ground.
Artist's impression of Pluto's surface (ESO / L. Calcada)
New Horizons will shed light on Pluto's composition

"When it snows, the surface becomes brighter, which helps it cool and speeds the process. That feeds on itself and you get more and more cooling."
The images, taken by Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), will be vital for planning details of the New Horizons spacecraft's flyby of Pluto in 2015.
New Horizons will pass by Pluto so quickly that only one hemisphere will be photographed in the highest possible detail.
Alan Stern, who is principal investigator on the mission, said that with every great planetary reconnaissance mission "we have always learnt that when we get there, we are blown away by how primitive our ideas were from blurry images taken from Earth.
He told BBC News: "When we get there, the odds are very high that we will have so much more information and rich detail that all our views circa 1990 and 2000 and 2010 will appear antiquated. That's why I don't like to make predictions."
He added: "No one predicted river valleys on Mars, or volcanoes on the Galilean satellites, or that Mercury was mostly a core and little else. It's entirely likely that Pluto will be something so surprising that everything we've done so far looks quaint in comparison."

Artificial pancreas hope for children with diabetes

Scientists in Cambridge have shown that an "artificial pancreas" can be used to regulate blood sugar in children with Type 1 diabetes.
A trial found that combining a "real time" sensor measuring glucose levels with a pump that delivers insulin can boost overnight blood sugar control.
The Lancet study showed the device significantly cut the risk of blood sugar levels dropping dangerously low.
Experts said the results were an important "step forward".
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic, life threatening condition, in which the pancreas does not produce insulin - the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.
In total, 17 children and teenagers with Type 1 diabetes took part in the study over 54 nights in hospital.
Individually, the glucose monitoring system and the insulin pump used in the study are both already widely used and commercially available.
But in order to turn them into a "closed loop" system which monitors the patient's condition and delivers treatment accordingly, the researchers developed a sophisticated algorithm to calculate the appropriate amount of insulin to deliver based on the real-time glucose readings.
They then measured how well the artificial pancreas system controlled glucose levels compared with the children's regular continuous pump, which delivers insulin at preselected rates.
Low blood sugar
Testing was done in different circumstances - for example on nights when the children went to bed after eating a large evening meal, which can lead to 'insulin stacking' or having done early evening exercise - both of which can increase the risk of low blood sugar episodes known as hypoglycaemic attacks or "hypos".
How the artificial pancreas would work
1 - Continuous glucose sensor monitors blood sugar level
2 - Data transmitted for the computer programme to work out insulin dose
3 - Insulin pump delivers the dose
Overall, the results showed the artificial pancreas kept blood glucose levels in the normal range for 60% of the time, compared with 40% for the continuous pump.
And the artificial pancreas halved the time that blood glucose levels fell below 3.9mmol/l - the level considered as mild hypoglycaemia.
It also prevented blood glucose falling below 3.0mmol/l, which is defined as significant hypoglycaemia, compared with nine hypoglycaemia events in the control groups.
Study leader Dr Roman Hovorka said: "This is the first randomised study showing the potential benefit of the artificial pancreas system overnight using commercially-available sensors and pumps.
"Our study provides a stepping stone for testing the system at home."
Karen Addington, chief executive of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, who funded the research said the study provided "proof of principle" of an artificial pancreas.
"We need to redouble our efforts to move the artificial pancreas from a concept in the clinic to a reality in the home of children and adults with type 1 diabetes."
Dr Victoria King, research manager at leading health charity Diabetes UK, said: "This is an important step forward in managing overnight blood glucose levels as well as in the eventual development of a full 'artificial pancreas' which could vastly improve the quality of life for people with type 1 diabetes and reduce the risk of the associated complications."